
Florence Séguin

Eve B. Lavoie 2024
Photo update : it.
Measurements : it.
UDA: S-182246
10. Born in December 2013
On Screen Age: 8-10
Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Language(s): Quebec French
Height: 124.5 cm /4 feet 1 inches
Weight : 23 kgs/ 50.2 lbs
Clothing Size: 8-9
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Brown
Shoe Size: 2

FR 2024 - Voyage

FR 2024 - Mc Donald




2023 Private voice/dubbing coaching with Maryse Gagné

2023 Intensive acting workshop with Myriam Guimond and Félixe Ross 

2022 Private coaching with Camille Desgagné

2018- on going Drama

2021 Acting workshop with Karl Peterson


2023 Les Faux Sapins, Marion, Lead

2023 Just for laugh, non speaking role

2022 Cité Mémoire, Richelieu Manor's young guest, principal

2022 Dans Ma Tête, Raphaelle at 6, Lead


2023 Harnois  principal


2022 MCE Fête Nationale, SOC

2022 Vidéotron, back up


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